Moving with pets can be hugely stressful for your furry friends, especially when navigating through a property move. Here are some tips from Avocado Property to make the process less stressful for everyone.

  1. Arrange a Separate Space for Pets on Moving Day

To avoid unnecessary upset and keep paths clear for furniture removal, arrange for one room in the house to be used as a temporary pet room. Clear it out first, then place your pet(s) in there along with anything that will keep them comfortable for the duration, such as bedding, toys, food, water, and litter trays. Better still, see if pets can stay with a family member or friend on the day of the move, eliminating them from the chaos altogether.

  1. Set Up a Comfortable Place for Pets on Arrival at Your New Home

When you arrive at your new property, find somewhere quiet and out of the way where your pet(s) can sit comfortably while you move in. Make it cozy and help them feel at home with their familiar things. Check on them regularly to ensure they are not too distressed about everything going on around them.

  1. Maintain Your Pet's Routine

When moving to a new property with pets, it's best to try and keep to any routines you have as much as possible. Sticking to their regular walking and feeding times helps maintain stability and avoid confusion.

  1. Familiarise Your Pet with the New Area

If you aren’t moving too far away, it’s a good idea to take your dog to the new area before the move so they can get accustomed to their new walking route. Once in your new property, check that fences and gates are secure before letting them out into the garden.

  1. Keep Cats Indoors Initially

With cats, it’s advisable to keep them in the new property for a week or so post-move to help them adjust to their new surroundings. Cats tend to be more stressed by a house move than dogs and need time to get their bearings. Introduce them to each room one at a time, keeping a close eye on them. Keeping meal times the same will help settle them. Once you start letting them out, do so on an empty stomach so that they get used to returning home to be fed.

  1. Inform Old Neighbours About the Move

It’s not uncommon for cats to try and return to their old property, particularly if you’re only moving a short distance away. If you’re worried about this, inform your old neighbours to keep an eye out and tell them not to feed or pet the cat if they see them. This will help avoid confusion and encourage your cat to stay at the new home. Making sure your pets are tagged and microchipped before the move is always a good idea.

  1. Notify Your Removal Company About Pets

If using a removal company, make sure they are aware of any pets. If you’re transporting more exotic animals like tropical fish, reptiles, or amphibians, speak to your removal company as they may need special equipment to transport them safely.

  1. Register with a Vet in Your New Area

If you're moving further away, ensure you register your pet with a vet in your new area. This will ensure that your pet has continuous care and you have a local point of contact in case of any health issues.

For tips on selling your home with pets, check out Debbie’s video

Moving doesn't have to be stressful for your pets. With careful planning and these tips, you can help ensure a smooth transition for your furry family members. For more property advice and tips, visit the Avocado Property advice hub.

Thinking of moving? Get in touch with your local agent at Avocado Property to help make the process as smooth as possible for you and your pets.

Georgina Patey