🏑  Welcome to my Maidenhead April Market Update 🏑

Β In this months update i'll be talking about:

Maidenhead Market Update:

New Listings: 216 properties listed in April, up from 153 in February

Sales: 131 properties sold in March, compared to 110 in February.

Reductions: 126 property owners reduced prices, showing motivation to sell by summer.

Mortgage Rates Insight: the disparity between 2 & 5-year mortgage rates amidst Bank of England's rate changes.

Reasons to Buy in Maidenhead: Maidenhead has excellent schools, strong transport links, and beautiful parks, making it an appealing location. These key factors should be highlighted when marketing your property for sale.

If you have any questions or thoughts on what you'd like to see in the next update please leave me a message below or give me a call πŸ‘

☎️ Stuart - 07747 196 809

πŸ“§ Stuart@avocadopropertyagents.co.uk

πŸ“ https://avocadopropertyagents.web.lifesycle.co.uk/properties/register

Stuart BockΒ 

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