🤯 Selling your home can be a stressful process, especially when you have young children who create a trail of carnage everywhere they go. Keeping your home clean and organised for showings can seem like an impossible task, but it is key to present your home in the best possible light to potential buyers. Here are some useful tips👇🏾

📁 Declutter and organise

Start by decluttering your home and organising your belongings. This will not only make your home look neater but also make it easier to keep clean. Encourage your children to help with the decluttering process by sorting through their toys and clothes and donating or selling items they no longer use.

 🧹 Create a cleaning routine

Establish a cleaning routine that works for your family. This could involve daily tasks such as wiping down surfaces and doing the dishes, or weekly tasks such as vacuuming and mopping. Getting your kids involved in these tasks can also help to encourage good habits and make them feel like they are contributing to the process.

👨🏻‍🔧 Enlist the help of professionals

Consider hiring a professional cleaning service to deep clean your home before showings. This can take the pressure off you and ensure that your home looks its best for potential buyers. You may also want to hire a professional stager to help you create a more appealing look and feel for your home.

📦 Use storage solutions (important one)

Invest in storage solutions to keep your home organised and clutter-free. This could include baskets, shelves, and bins to store toys, books, and other items. Use these storage solutions to hide clutter away during showings and keep your home looking tidy.

🧽 Keep cleaning supplies handy

Keep cleaning supplies handy in each room of your home. This will make it easier to clean up messes as they happen and ensure that your home is always show-ready. Have a designated cleaning caddy or basket in each room, stocked with cleaning supplies such as wipes, spray cleaner, and a duster.

🔭 Plan ahead for showings (where possible)

Plan ahead for showings by doing a quick clean-up before leaving the house. This could include wiping down surfaces, vacuuming, and making beds. Encourage your children to help with this process by picking up their toys and putting them away.

🧸 Create a designated play area (another key one)

Designate a play area for your children, where they can play and make messes without impacting the rest of the house. This could be a corner of the living room, a playroom, or a designated outdoor area. Keep toys and other items in this area, and make sure to clean up regularly.

📲 Communicate with your estate agent

Communicate with your estate agent about your situation and any concerns you have about keeping your home clean during showings. They may be able to offer advice or adjust the showing schedule to accommodate your family's needs by way of an Open Day, for example.

📗 Selling a home with young children can be a challenge, but with a little planning and communication it becomes a bit more possible to keep your home cleaner and more organised for showings and can make the process easier and less stressful for everyone involved.

🥑 In addition to that, I’m here to help every step of the way and situations like this are a prime example of why we find WhatsApp such a crucial tool when we talk about communication. As a father myself, I get it and I’ve got your back. Godspeed 💪🏾

📱 07769 345 086

📧 kiel@avocadoberkshire.co.uk

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