At Avocado Property, we’re are proud to highlight the work our partners do for their local community. Ricky, our Stevenage partner at Avocado, is all about community. In this blog, he'll tell you about his strong connections to Stevenage and some of the ways he adds to its community.

As an estate agent deeply embedded in my local community, I find immense joy in giving back, especially when it involves bringing smiles to children's faces.

This Easter, I had the privilege of delivering a bundle of Easter eggs to the children’s ward at Lister Hospital. Seeing the impact was amazing, it served as a reminder that sometimes, the simplest acts of kindness can make the biggest difference in someone's day.

I also have the pleasure of sponsoring a local girls' football team. I was able to provide tops for the players as well as offer my support on the sidelines, this is a heartwarming experience. Growing up in Stevenage, football was my passion, so supporting the team resonated deeply with me. It's not just about financial help; it's about showing that girls' sports matter. Seeing their determination reinforces my belief in community support. From playing football in Stevenage to sponsoring a team, it's about investing in the future. Cheering them on from the sidelines, I'm reminded of the impact of community, and it brings me joy to support these girls in pursuing their dreams. Through initiatives like these, I strive to make a positive impact.

Ricky Veale